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分卷阅读5 (第1/2页)
s moo him in a natural and reasonable way.”
“Honey, legally you are his pet now. A hunting dog give his master any quarry is meant to be natural and reasonable. Do you know, in the old time, those generals or warlords who sve dragons stantly shed you kind to cry out just for pearls ?”
“I don’t think this is a mohing. Kyle, tell me the truth. What’s your pn about this retionship. Do you like him? At least try a little.”余怀忠很三八地建议道。
张仲文恶心地歪着嘴大喊:“Hell, no ,he is straight.”
“Oh, That’s a surprise. Since when straight means something to you?”白二邪恶地瞪起了眼睛。
“He is colleague of our pany !And this damned pany keeps no secret and I need dignity.”张仲文摊开手无奈地说。
“You slept with your cousin and raped your father’s driver .Now you need dignity?”余怀忠不屑地敲打他。
“Fine, I am a devilish slut .Judge me! But that thing is ugly and poor. I wore out my ass to evolve myself to be a pretty and rich dragon is NOT to suck up some stinky fat slumdog. And you jerks are never allowed to pare him to my future derwear -model-look and Italian pianist style boyfriend! I warn you, I am the top 14th powerful dragon in this world and you don’t w